Baptist Men’s Groups, Bible study and prayer fellowship, and other special events. We want to empower men to impact their workplace,communities-and most importantly-their families for the kingdom of god. Discover a place for you Baptist Convention has a ministry for every season of your life. Whether you’re a college student, a single parent, or enjoying the prime of your life, we have a ministry for you to get involved in.
Experience life isn’t meant to be lived alone. Throughout the year, we offer fun and exciting indoor and outdoor activities. Connect with others Baptist Convention of Nepal’s men’s fellowship who can help you develop lasting friendships and bring you closer to the Lord. Whether you’re looking for a place to meet new friends, connect to a mentor, grow spiritually, or serve your community, there’s a group for you.
Serving others with love and care is a vital part of what we do at Baptist Convention of Nepal’ men’s fellowship. There are many ways for you to serve with Baptist Convention Of Nepal’s men’s fellowship. One example is men’s team, where men help widows and single moms by assisting them with basic handyman needs around their homes in a very practical way.The mission of baptist Convention of Nepal’s men’s fellowship outreach is to equip, empower, and mobilize people to make a kingdom impact outside the walls of Baptist Convention of Nepal’s men’s fellowship Church. We want to build god’s kingdom through Christ-Centered, Church-LED community transformation where we live, in our nation, and around the world.
This is why the first fruits-of Baptist Convention of Nepal’s men’s fellowships tithe-goes back to the kingdom by supporting local, national, and outreach initiatives. The generosity of fellowship of Baptist men members has allowed us to send funds, resource materials, and people to locations in our nation and around the country to make a difference for the kingdom. We have also been able to develop strategic partnerships with Churches,native missionaries, and ministries all over the country of Nepal.
This represents the men’s fellowship of the Church with specialized ministry unique to men. We aim to train, equip and direct men to find their true calling in the Church and also to uphold with integrity and love, the role of of the Christian home. We assist our men to become good role models for young people in the community.