Students are the future, the future leaders, teachers, doctors, engineer, lawyers, social workers and politicians, in short, the change-agents of society and culture.
A student’s time at university is a unique period of self-reflection and questioning who they are and what they believe. It is also a critical time when students are making important life decisions. One of student for Christ’s primary aims and objectives is to encourage Christian students in a challenging environment, while at the same time helping them to reach out to their fellow students who are searching for answers to many of life’s important values and issues’ questions. We do this through meetings on or near campus,in all sorts of settings and sizes. These gatherings are informal, charged with music, given to humor and deal with everything from relationships to the nature of truth. The focus of these gatherings is to meet with God, meet friends and meet real needs.
Another important goal of student ministry outreach for Christ Jesus ministry is to partner with local churches in reaching the mission field for outreach of the university. This is accomplished through training and equipping young people, youth leaders, and others to reach students. At the same time, the local church benefits as students are trained to be lay leaders in their own local fellowships and congregations.
We believe that winning and reconciling students to Christ and training and equipping them through the word and holy spirit-filled communities will change the university, communities, the marketplace, and ultimately, whole country and the world. Having met and known some of the student ministry outreach for Christ Jesus workers, leaders and observed the ministry of student outreach for Christ Jesus in various parts of the country of Nepal and South Asia we are convinced that student ministry outreach for Christ Jesus is a God_Given instrument and tools for today’s harvest in Nepalese schools, colleges campuses and university campuses. We want to encourage you to partner with student ministry outreach as local churches, ministry organizations and denominations.