In 1985. I and my wife meena started the new life children’s haven,and orphanage that initially cared for the needs of twelve children. This increased to 150, and by God’s grace we hope to eventually accommodate over three thousand. Our policy for taking the child in our new life christian children haven orphanage is to obtain a recommendation from the district authorities both political and administrative chief officers. children poverty and inability of the parents of the child to look after the child due to debilitating illness or physical/mental handicap.

Our expansion program seeks to establish small family units (12-16 children) all over Nepal so the children will enjoy maximum attention and affection. The central leadership will issue guidelines for all the family homes to assist foster parents in educating, socializing, and caring for the children.The estimated budget for running the homes include rent and utilities and have been calculated on the basis of family homes rental and the target for the first year being considered 1000 children and gradually adding 1000 more children in each successive year supporting staff salaries are calculated on the basis of each home.

All figures in USD 000
Years 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 Total
Capital expenditure (Assets)
Furniture 210 419 629 1258
Instrument & Equipment 155 311 466 933
Vehicles 198 248 297 743
Total Assets 563 978 1,392 2,933
Operational expenditure
Rent for home 6 12 18 20 22 24 27 29 32 35 225
Utilities (Electricity, Water, taxes) 9 19 29 32 35 39 43 47 51 57 361
Support Staff 120 132 145 160 176 193 213 234 257 283 1,913
Food and Clothing for children 1,915 4,213 6,320 6,951 7,647 8,411 9,252 10,178 11,195 12,315 78,397
Educational materials 165 363 545 599 599 725 797 877 965 1,061 6,756
Transportation 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 18
Transportation 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 17
Transportation 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 13
Total operational expenditure 2,218 4,742 7,060 7,766 8,544 9,397 10,337 11,371 12,506 13,759 87,700
Total Requirement/Expenditure 2,781 5,721 8,452 7,766 8,544 9,397 10,337 11,371 12,506 13,759 90,633

Above figures are based on the current market prices and inflation rate of 10% for each successive year is considered in the calculation.


  • The budget for furniture is based on the expected number of children (beneficiary) in each year i.e. 1000 in year 1 (2017), 2000 in year 2 (2018) and 3000 in year 3 (2019).
  • Furniture : Furniture comprises of furniture and fixtures for the class room, dining room, kitchen, sports areas, auditorium, equipment etc.
  • Instrument and Equipment : Instrument comprises of keyboards, guitars, drum sets, saxophones, trumpets etc. And equipment comprises of generators, projectors, microphones, speakers/amplifiers, computers, television sets, photocopiers etc.
  • Vehicles: Vehicles comprise of 200 bicycles and 50 motorbikes based on the estimated number of staff required.
  • Rent and Utilities : are budgeted on the basis of the expected number of children (beneficiary) in each year i.e. 1000 in year 1 (2017), 2000 in year 2 (2018) and 3000 in year 3 (2019).
  • Supporting staff salaries : are calculated on the basis of each home having one parental couple and a helper and supplying staff. For each 50 home, one supporting staff with a motor bike is considered; the number of staff gradually is increased in each successive year according to the number of the children. Food and clothing are budgeted on the basis of $5 per head per day for food; $ 90 per annum per head.
  • Educational materials : are budgeted on the basis of all the necessary books, stationery, Bible, and teachers’ salary etc. and the figure is an estimation of $150 per annum per head.